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IASS Network

IASS Network

The IASS Network was previously known as the National Parent Partnership Network (NPPN), who undertook a similar role with local Parent Partnership Services.

In 2014, as part of the national SEND reforms, Parent Partnership Services changed to include provision to children and young people and became known as IAS Services.

​The IASS Network is funded by the Department for Education and is based within the Council for Disabled Children in the National Children's Bureau.

​They provide a range of support to local IAS Services helping them to evaluate, develop and improve provision for children, young people and their families.

  • ​Promote the development and standards of IAS Services.
  • Provide training to IAS Services on a range of subjects including the law on SEN and disability, health and social care (with IPSEA).
  • Promote service impartiality and arrangements that ensure IAS Services operate at 'arm’s length' from their local authority.
  • Provide a national picture of the work of IAS Services through annual reporting.
  • Promote dialogue and collaboration between IAS Services and other partners.
  • Engage with the Department for Education on key issues arising for IAS Services.
  • Facilitate the SEND Information Organisations Group - a network of organisations that provide direct advice and support to families of children with SEND.
  • Work with the Independent Support Programme to ensure parents and children are receiving high quality IAS.​

​​Click on the links below for more information about IASS and IPSEA.