

Our Primary History Curriculum provides a comprehensive and engaging framework for pupils to explore and understand the History of Britain and the wider world. It is designed to cultivate children’s inquisitiveness. By studying a diverse range of historical periods, individuals and events, children will gain a broad, deep and critical understanding of the past. They will also develop an appreciation for the complexities of people’s lives throughout History and for how societies, social groups and ways of life have changed over time. Children will develop historical enquiry skills: asking and answering questions about the past, analysing and interpreting sources, evaluating competing ideas and employing evidence and reasoning. Our primary History curriculum is organised into four domains to provide coherence and structure. These domains are: Historical Vocabulary and Oracy; Chronological Understanding; Historical Understanding and Historical Enquiry.  
Local Libraries

A visit to the local library is a great way to spend quality time with your child and inspire a love of history. There is a library and information centre in Nuneaton and another in Hartshill. Click on the links to find out more.

Nuneaton Library and Information Centre Hartshill Community Library
Church St, Nuneaton CV11 4DR   Church Road, Hartshill CV10 0LY
0300 555 8171     02476 399511
Website Website