
Early Years Offer September 2024

Nursery Hill Primary School

Early Years Offer

Development Questionnaire 

Nursery Hill Primary School is a maintained primary school located in Ansley Common for children aged 3-11. We have been offering quality early years experiences for the local children for over 100 years. The organisation is run by the highly qualified staff team for the benefit of the community and surrounding areas.

The team have identified that with the changing needs of modern lives, it is necessary to review the service offer with plans to develop and expand sessions further to meet the flexible needs of busy family lives. Eligible working parents of 2-year-olds are also now able to access 15 hours childcare support and we would like to explore the need in our community.

We also offer wrap around childcare: Early Birds 7.45am – 8.45am. Night Owls 3.15pm – 5.30pm (2 sessions)

Our research would benefit from feedback from local parents/carers and the community to help us inform the changes. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete and return the questionnaire by Monday 13th May.
Nursery Hill Primary School.

Please scan the QR code to complete the Online form.
Please click on the link to complete the online form.