Religion and Worldviews
At Nursery Hill Primary School, we aim to nurture our children’s knowledge and understanding of a wide range of religious and non-religious worldviews. Our curriculum reflects the diverse community we serve, while also preparing pupils for the rich religious and belief diversity of Britain and the wider world. We inspire pupils to engage deeply with the important questions raised by the study of religion and worldviews, enabling them to develop balanced, well-informed perspectives and reflect on their own personal beliefs.
Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to be fully inclusive, ensuring that every child can participate and thrive, regardless of whether they hold a religious belief or not.
At Nursery Hill, our curriculum is built on three core aims for our pupils:
- To gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious worldviews by exploring them through theological, philosophical, and human/social science perspectives.
- To express ideas and insights about the nature, significance, and impact of these worldviews through a multidisciplinary approach.
- To develop and apply critical thinking skills rooted in theology, philosophy, and human/social sciences, engaging meaningfully with both religious and non-religious perspectives.
Our religion and worldviews curriculum plays a distinctive role in our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. We actively encourage our children to express their personal beliefs, ideas, and values, while fostering respect for others who may hold different views, values, and ways of life.