
School Meals

Warwickshire County Caterers provide our school meals. Long gone are the days of being last into the hall and having to eat what was left. Children order their choices with their families a week in advance. Families know their children's food preferences and there there are now four choices - red, blue, green and yellow.

Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to a free school meal, irrespective of your income bracket. For children who are not entitled to free school meals in Nursery and Key Stage 2, school meals cost £2.62 a day, which is £13.10 per week. This must be paid in advance at the beginning of the week.  To make a free school meal application please follow the link below:

Menus change weekly on a 3-week rotation. Click on each week's menu below to find out what's on offer. Please ensure you let us know if your child has any special dietary requirements.
Please note that roast chicken is available in week 3, not roast pork.
Free School Meals

Free school meals are available to children up to 19 years of age who attend Warwickshire County Council maintained schools and maintained nursery schools on a full-time basis (i.e. before and after the lunch break) and whose parents or carers are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

When you successfully apply for free school meals the school will receive an extra £1455 of government funding even if your child does not want the meal. This additional funding will be used to help children from lower income families do their very best at school.

You can apply online through Warwickshire County Council by clicking here. Alternatively, you can apply calling 01926359189. The online checking system provided by the Department of Education only confirms or denies your eligibility to claim free school meals: it does not give us any other information.