
Nursery Admissions

We currently have some places for your child. To book a tour of our wonderful school, please get in touch on 02476 392319. There is a free story book for every child who brings an adult to look around the school.

To apply for a Nursery place, please contact us for an application form.

Children start Nursery after their 3rd birthday, but you can apply for a Nursery place at any time. 

 If you would like a full-time place for your child, please say so on your application form and we will do all we can to be flexible to meet your preferences. Your application will be considered using the criteria set out below. We should tell you whether or not a place can be offered by the end of February. 

Admissions Criteria:

If there are more applications for Nursery places than there are places available, the places will be offered in the following order of priority:

1.  Children with a sibling in the Primary School.

2. Places requested by partner agencies eg. Social Services/ external agency referrals.

3. Other children

A few places may be reserved for children with an educational, medical or social need. The Headteacher will consider the child's needs or circumstances, supporting evidence from our professionals, and the availability of nursery classes in neighbouring schools when making a decision.

Further information:

A part time place is a 3 hour session, Monday to Friday, during term time. Our session times are 8.45am-11.45am and 12.15pm -3.15pm. A full-time place is up to 6 hours, Monday to Friday, during term time. There is a small charge of £2.50 per day to cover the cost of additional adult supervision over lunch time. Children attending full time Nursery can order a school lunch or your child may prefer to bring a healthy packed lunch.