
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Nursery Hill Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We are committed to inclusion for all children in all areas of the curriculum. Individual needs will be met through the highest quality of education for all pupils and the efficient and effective use of resources.

Mrs Jeans and Miss Preece are our SENCos (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator). Should you need to contact a SENCo, please call 02476 392318 and the school office can schedule an appointment or email senco2001@welearn365.com.

For all children with SEND, support and advice is available from the class teachers and school SENCo. The school seeks advice and guidance from other professionals and involves them in the planning and delivery of support for pupils with SEND. We liaise closely with parents to ensure they are actively involved in their child’s development.

A child will receive SEND support if their need is ‘significant to and different from their peers’ and the school SENCo will work alongside the Class Teacher(s) to ensure appropriate provision is in place. Some children with a prolonged and significant level of need will receive funding in the form of SEND Intervention Funding or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

All Warwickshire maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.

Please click here to view our policies which includes the SEND and Inclusion Policy. 

Supporting SEND in the classroom

Alongside Quality First Teaching (QTF), we also implement the strategies suggested by other professionals, ensuring that all needs are supported to the very best that can be offered.

We support pupils with SEND in different ways considering the needs of the child. 

Cognition and Learning difficulties:

  • Adaptation of learning in class by the class teacher through quality first teaching,
  • Targeted intervention groups,
  • Specialist advice and support from external agencies including Specialist Teacher Service and Educational Psychologists,
  • Tailored resourcing to support a wide array of learning styles,
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) where this overlaps with special needs.

Communication and interaction difficulties:

  • Speech and language therapy support (SALT),
  • Social skills groups or external provision eg. Forest Schools,
  • Autism Outreach Team involvement,
  • Hearing Impaired service,
  • Visually Impaired service.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs:

  • Transition and review meetings between school and parents,
  • Liaison with Supporting Leicestershire Families,
  • Links with CAMHS, Community Paediatricians etc.,
  • Referrals to School Nurse Team if appropriate,
  • Targeted intervention groups.

Physical and Sensory Needs:

  • Adaptation of the school building to facilitate access to the school buildings,
  • Risk assessments are completed,
  • Health Care Plans,
  • Emergency evacuation plan,
  • Physiotherapist Occupational therapy advice and support where appropriate.

Governor Support

The Governors receive information each year from the SENCo about the number of children on the Special Needs Register. Information is given about interventions and the training of members of staff, together with updates to the SEND and Inclusion Policy.

​The governors play an important role by ensuring that:

  • ​They are fully involved in developing and monitoring the school’s SEND and Inclusion Policy,
  • They are up-to-date and knowledgeable about the school’s SEND provision, including how funding, equipment and personnel resources are deployed,
  • SEND provision is an integral part of the Learning Improvement Plan through vulnerable groups,
  • The quality of SEND provision is continually monitored.

You can access the SEND Code of Practice here.

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